ヨタハチ不動産|兵庫県尼崎市 > レストア計画 > 欲しいパーツ
No. | グループ | 頁 | 図番 | トヨタ品番 | 部品名 | 個数 | 備考 |
フューエル | 59 | 3 | 77151-91351 | チューブ,フューエル リヤ | 1 | フューエルパイプ汎用品を曲げて製作 | |
ボデー | 243 | 1 | 55807-91350 | サイレンサ サブ アッセンブリ,ダッシュ パネル,RH | 1 | 運転席側ダッシュ下の分厚い内張。 K-FIVEにてレプリカ製作予定。 |
ボデー | 243 | 1 | 55808-91350 | サイレンサ サブ アッセンブリ,ダッシュ パネル,LH | 1 | 助手席側ダッシュ下の分厚い内張大きい方。 K-FIVEにてレプリカ製作予定。 |
ボデー | 247 | 1 | 71100-91351-02 | シート アッセンブリ | 2 | シート貼替。 ボディカラーをシルバーにするためレッドに。 K-FIVEに依頼予定。 |
boas noite em portugal caro amigo,,veja se me consegue 1 painel traseiro up15 mesmo podre eu remendo mas original,, meu painel de trás,, foi feito mas para outros farolins,, por esse motivo nao tenho o formato do painel traseiro original para a reconstrução do mesmo para portugal só vieram 3 carros ,o meu e 1 deles,,,em portugal esistem 12 carros
Manuel san
This is Yasunari Sugiyama (Sugi) , President of Toyota Sports 800 Owners Committee (TSOCom).
I have been introduced Manuel san by Mr. YamamotoIt is a great pleasure for me to comunicate with you about repair or restoration of Yota8.
I might help you to find the parts you are looking fo.
In order to comunicate about Yota8 more, would you please sent me email to me (ystoyotasports800@gmail.com)
Thank you. Sugi ys—
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I am in the USA. I make, sell, and purchase reproduction parts for the Sports 800.
I have posted many of my items on our group Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/yodahachi. I also occasionally post on Sugi san’s page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/sports800.
I would be curous how your efforts to have the rear lamp 81558-10031 and 81568-10011 shades have turned out? Did you find someone to laser cut them at a reasonable rate? I would be interested in purchasing approximately 10 of each , if that would help your efforts.
Thank you,
Rich Street